SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Awaiting enlightenment
By Charlotte Tanner


April 30, 2009


Mr. Stump says in his letter that: "by logging over-mature, decaying, primarily hemlock stands, the industry was creating a better, greener, healthier forest for the future." This is an interesting viewpoint. I've lived in SE Alaska since 1968, if indeed, the logging that has taken place has created a better, greener, healthier forest, I'd sure like to know where it is? Perhaps Mr. Stump could enlighten me.

When I first got here(1968), POW was lush and green, it now looks like a mowed off golf course, and so does the area around Kake, and points north, not to mention Slide Ridge, and areas around KTN.

So just where is this greener, healthier, blah blah blah forest, that all the logging of "over-mature", ( over mature, just what does that mean anyway?, is your grandmother over-mature?) has created. I await enlightenment. Thank you.

Charlotte Tanner
Ketchikan, AK

Received April 25, 2008 - Published April 30, 2009


Related Viewpoint:

letterRE: Timber Industry Retooling By Keith Stum

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