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More Than 6,000 Alaskans Notified They May Be Eligible for Training Assistance


April 23, 2011

(SitNews) Juneau, Alaska - More than 6,000 postcards will arrive in the mailboxes of Alaskans who may be eligible for training assistance if they were displaced from their jobs due to the impact of international trade. Benefits and services can include training, job search, relocation and health care tax credit.

As many as 8,000 Alaskans may be eligible for the federally funded Trade Adjustment Assistance program, which was created in 1974 to help workers obtain new employment, however the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development doesn’t have current contact information for all of the affected workers.

“We are encouraging workers who have been laid off to review a list of companies that are eligible for TAA,” TAA Coordinator Heidi Carlson said. “With Alaska Job Centers seeing increased numbers of job seekers and more Alaskans filing for unemployment insurance, we are reaching out to workers who have previously been identified as eligible to apply for Trade Adjustment Assistance benefits due to losing a job because of competition from foreign trade.”

Between 1997 and 2005, foreign trade affected about 120 companies in Alaska. Some of those include ARCO, BP and Chevron, as well as the contractors that supported them such as Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Doyon Drilling and Peak Oilfield Service Company.

“The affected workers would have been notified at the time of the layoff,” Carlson said. “But we are attempting to reach these workers who might still need training for new jobs.”

Employers who are facing layoffs that may be due to foreign competition may contact the Alaska Department of Labor for assistance.


On the Web:

List of companies that are eligible for TAA

Alaska Job Centers

Trade Adjustment Assistance

Information on the application process



Source of News: 

Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development


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Ketchikan, Alaska