By Tina Stephens
April 08, 2011
It is time for the Tribal Members to take back ownership of our Tribe and demand excellence from its staff. The majority of staff working with the people are great, the problem is with the Administration of programs, services, and more importantly the current issues with the Tribal Council not following the Constitution. Currently KIC has several candidates running for the new election that are NOT eligible to serve on council because they have exhausted their maximum terms of service --HOWEVER, KIC admin has accepted them through the approval process as eligible candidates!! Tribal Members need to come forward so KIC members have services in the future. Each programs budget has been getting smaller each year, and if the abuse of tribal funds doesn't stop -- we won't have any services to run. When it comes to KIC, everyone is scratching someone else's back. Charles Edwardson can't deny that. Everyone owes a vote here, a favor there. Perhaps that is why Charles Edwardson had the trainees that were a part of the 615 Stedman project built the Council President, Norman Arriola a new porch in 2010 -- I'm a witness to that account. Perhaps his letter is another favor, to show his support of the council and Administration. After all, Charles represented the Tribe to get $$ in 2010 like he was a council member still, but instead, he was just an employee. If any other employee made such public statements they would be fired. But for someone who is an employee that is privileged like a council member, I'm sure this will all be brushed under the rug. It will never end unless the constitution is followed! So stuff like this would never happen perhaps is why the section not allowing anyone to sit on council for more than 5 years. Tina Stephens Received April 05, 2011 - Published April 08, 2011
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