By Tony Hatano-Worrell
April 08, 2011
Sunday afternoons, my parents would often take me up to the Cape Fox for brunch. Those were some of my favorite times ever, and one big reason for this is Vivian Phillips. No matter how long we had been away, she would remember who we were, what food and drink we liked, and how we liked it -- down to the last little detail. She was fashionable with her long braid and dangly jewelry, but it was her smile and playful humor that made us feel more than welcome. It was as though she was truly pleased to see us, and I suspect she made all her customers at Cape Fox and the Landing feel like long-lost family, too. I grew up in Ketchikan, but have also lived in Oregon, Washington, Canada, and Japan, and I tell the truth when I say Vivian Phillips is the best waitress I've ever met. She is better even than a characer in a book or movie, because Vivian is real. Now, this very real and beloved member of our Ketchikan family is in great need. It is time for us to return the love she gave us, and to show how much we care. We need to dig down deep and give to the Vivian Phillips fund at Tongass Federal Credit Union at 2000 Tongass Avenue. You may think you don't have much to give. But surely you have more than someone who lost everything she owned (but her cat) in a ravaging house fire on Pennock Island. Surely you have more than just a tip. Let's all pitch in together, and show her that she is more than just a friendly waitress: She is our sister, daughter, and mother in great need. Tony Hatano-Worrell About: "I grew up in Ketchikan and lived there for over 20 years; I now live and work in our Sister City of Kanayama/Gero, Japan. P.S. Kanayama was unaffected by the great earthquakes and tsunami, and we are all alive and well, thank God. " Received April 07, 2011 - Published April 08, 2011
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