By Gerry Knasiak
April 11, 2011
At this point in our history the increase of revenue could and should come from the top 1-2% of folks who nave benefited from government largesse for decades. There has been no trickle down benefit for the 80+ percent of folks making up the poor and middle class. Wages have gone down for these groups. Every study made confirms this to be the case. CEO's have been given incredibly large pay and bonuses while their companies fail an d thousands are thrown out of work. There is no doubt that the lobbyists control our government. Obama has caved and failed to lead. The concessions that he names so proudly are an example of how he was run over by the republicans. I and many others are waiting for someone to mention or suggest tax increase for the very wealthy. The mention on of that possibility throws the GOP in a collective frenzy. To them taxes is more than a dirty word. The voices who have suggested this well known means of raising revenue have been muted by a media that ignores them completely. Yet they have all been awarded high honors for their work 5%as economists. The Pulitzer has been awarded to Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz. Sachs is also a well known and successful economist who says that Obama has failed to lead in he budget wars. Interestingly all of these men did in fact support Obama the candidate. The first chink in his armor was when single payer insurance was taken off the table. I under stand that Joseph Stiglitz has a article in the latest issue of Vanity Fair the title of which, I believe is, 1% +1% = 1%. Un fortunately I was unable to get a copy of that magazine.In the meantime let us wait to see if Obama will finally decide that it is time to abandon the sidelines and begin to lead. Gerry Knasiak About: "Reading "Winner take all politics" How Washington made the rich richer and turned its back on the middle class..also following Pulitzer Prize economists Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman..both of whom contend that we avoid talking about increasing revenue and only consider cutting programs on the backs of the poor and middle class. " Received April 11, 2011 - Published April 11, 2011
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