SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Deborah Hayden


April 13, 2011
Wednesday PM

On April 21-23 the University of Alaska, The Entrepreneurs and Mentors Network and Alaska Pacific University will sponsor an Entrepreneurship Boot Camp and Business Plan Competition.

Details are at and following: 2011 Alaska Business Plan Competition

Alaskan entrepreneurs seeking growth opportunities for their business ventures can enter the 2011 Annual Alaska Business Plan Competition, jointly sponsored by local universities and businesses. Finalists will present in front of judges, investors and other entrepreneurs on Friday April 23, 2011 at 6:00 PM in the UAA/APU Consortium Library, Anchorage. This annual competition stimulates the real-world process of learning, continuous improvement, and raising private capital that is collectively needed for a business' growth. Individuals or teams who reach the final round will give ten-minute presentations of their plans for start-up funding or later-round financing. Immediately following each presentation, the judges, made up of a panel of local investors, will ask questions of the entrepreneurs to test the plan's validity.

Matching good business ideas with good management teams and with qualified investors who are interested in private, early stage equity opportunities is one of the most difficult aspects of entrepreneurship. Nowhere in the United States is this truer than Alaska.

The 2011 Alaska Business Plan Competition will also provide a formal deal path so that entrepreneurs and their plans can be funneled before potential investors. Faculty from the Business Administration departments at both APU and UAA, along with APU MBA students and an informal network of capital formation professionals, will provide the beginnings of a validation process for some of the promising deals.

The Alaska Business Plan Competition is open to a broad range of participants including: new business, expanding or recapitalizing companies, merger, acquisition, buyout and takeover proposals, and 8(a) companies.

The first place prize is $4,000 for the best presentation seeking debt financing and also $4,000 for the best presentation seeking equity funding.

Deborah Hayden
Ketchikan, AK

About: "I have over 20 years experience in counseling and supporting entrepreneurs. In 1985, I was on the founding board of directors of the Northwest Entrepreneur Network,, whose mission is to help entrepreneurs succeed."

Received April 12, 2011 - Published April 13, 2011




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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska