By Jodi Marrow
April 13, 2011
First and foremost I am grateful for every single day, I wake up to appreciate life, and that my son is alive. The alternative is just too painful to wrap my mind around. I realize that KIC offers many great programs for our tribal members. However, as a tribe we are in crisis. Our leadership is ignoring our concerns, so as a membership we are troubled. Business as usual continues right before our eyes, it is time for changes to be made. I would hope that as a tribe we could support each other, united for positive changes! Imagine if we had an administration, and a tribal council that worked in support of our tribal members. So that said, I reserve the right to speak my mind and be vocal with my concerns. I will continue to do so. I encourage every KIC Tribal member to get out and vote! I am from a voice that is: if you vote, your voice should be heard, not ignored. Honesty would be refreshing. This election effects all of us. Take some time to meet the candidates, and make an educated decision for our future. I support and respect each candidate. Mr. Edwardson you are a friend and neighbor and I appreciate your contributions to our tribe, our community, and my son Kyle Palmer. I will never forget your kindness. "Freedom of speech" comes to mind. We are all entitled to our opinions. Sincerely, Jodi Marrow About: "I am a life long resident of KTN, and a lifelong KIC tribal member. I am the mother of Kyle Palmer" Received April 12, 2011 - Published April 13, 2011
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