By Karen Eakes
April 24, 2012
I am writing on behalf of the Strengthening Cultural Unity (SCU) task force of the Ketchikan Wellness Coalition. This group has brought Challenge Day to Ketchikan secondary schools for the past three years and is currently working on plans and funding for the next school year. As a follow up to the Challenge Day events there have also been “Be the Change” student efforts at Schoenbar and at Kayhi. It has always been the plan of the SCU task force to move into the larger community with the goal of creating better understanding and appreciation of the various cultures within Ketchikan. As a first effort in this goal we are holding a “Walk the Change” event on Friday evening, May 4th. The theme of this walk will be ‘Walking Together for a Better Community.” We are inviting organizations, agencies and individuals to join us on this walk and suggesting that they advertise and celebrate their particular contributions to improving Ketchikan. The “Walk the Change” will start at 5:00 PM at the WISH iRock building at 2106 Tongass. There will be a few words shared before we set off. We will walk to and around the tunnel and back to iRock for a picnic supper provided by the SCU task force. There will be door prizes, music, and fun. We hope community members will join us for this fun evening of shared commitment to our community. We have much to be proud of and also many areas on which to continue our efforts. If you have any questions, please email the KWC at ktnwc@yahoo.com or call 225-9355. We hope to have a huge community celebration! Sincerely, Karen Eakes, KWC chair Received April 23, 2012 - Published April 24, 2012
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