By Glen E. Terrell
April 04, 2013
In a FairTax White Paper written by Karen Walby, Ph.D. and revised in 2012 one finds for every $4 paid in income tax by individuals it costs the tax payer $5. For businesses it's even worse; it costs the business $143 to send $100 to Uncle Sam. A staggering $431 billion annually is wasted just paying our tax bill. And the mental anguish for months and lost sleep; it's so unnecessary. If the income tax was replaced with the FairTax, the government receives the same tax money, we don't waste $431 billion annually, no tax return forms to complete and April 15 becomes just another nice spring day. Yes, we can have this. Call and email your representative and senators; tell them you want the income tax replaced with the FairTax. Submitted by: Glen E. Terrell Received April 02, 2013 - Published April 04, 2013
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