China Hacking Into U.S. Computers* By Donald A. Moskowitz
April 18, 2013
Based on the activities of Chinese Army Unit 61398 Communist China continues to wage cyber warfare against the U.S. by hacking into the computers of U.S. corporations. An American computer security firm, Mandiant, completed a study of Unit 61398, and determined most of the attacks on U.S. corporations have emanated from this group. Companies targeted include electric utilities, gas lines and waterworks. The Chinese also attacked the computer security firm RSA, whose systems protect corporate clients and government agencies. "China steals blueprints, manufacturing processes, strategies and data from our heavy industry companies, satellite and telecommunications corporations and military contractors, including Lockheed Martin, our largest defense contractor." The biggest concern is the infiltration of systems that control our power grids and other utilities. Unit 61398 broke into Televent Canada, which provides "software to oil and gas pipeline companies and utilities for remote access to valves, switches and security systems. Televent Canada services half the oil and gas pipeline companies in North and South America." We have to wake up and take action to prevent these Chinese attacks on our corporations, government agencies and infrastructure. Mr. President, please address this problem. *Information came from a New York Times article of 2/19/13 Donald A. Moskowitz
Received April 18, 2013 - Published April 18, 2013
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