SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Southeast Alaska Big Game Guide Convicted of Unlawful Act


April 18, 2014
Friday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - A Petersburg man was recently convicted of hindering the lawful hunting by others, and for harassment.

The Bus - Ketchikan, Alaska

The conviction stems from a summons by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers Ketchikan Post on June 21,2013, of Scott Newman, 48 years-of-age, from Petersburg. The Wildlife Troopers's summons was in response to a report that on May 25, 2013 at Smeaton Bay, which is 30 miles south of Ketchikan, Newman had committed an Unlawful Act of a Big Game Guide by obstructing and hindering lawful hunting by two persons.

According to information provided in a news release this week, Newman had harassed two hunters by scaring off a black bear that they were about to harvest. Newman reportedly then told the two hunters he did not want to see them in the area.

Through a plea agreement on March 12, 2014, with the Ketchikan District Attorney's office Newman changed his plea from not guilty to guilty to the charge of harassment.

Newman was fined a maximum fine of $500, ordered to pay the complainants, the two lawful hunters restitution of $650 for the cost of their hunt, and Newman was placed on probation for one year.

The names of the victims were not released.

Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News: 

Alaska Department of Safety

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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