RE: The idiocracy of Anti-realists By Don Borders April 10, 2014
Recently, on YouTube, there was a video of a two legged Boxer Puppy. He was no way impaired to run, jump and play with other dogs and his keepers. This dog, on two legs, chased sticks, ran, and jumped at the camera with all he had and was able do so just on his front legs. Amazing the keepers made the choice to get medical care and the decision to do what would best allow him to have a life and not be put to “sleep”. Putting this energetic and full of life puppy down would not have allowed us, you and I, to see the energy and fun he was having playing at the beach, he was ALIVE! We often have adverse thoughts and making decisions regarding other lives and trying to do what is best. We don’t give life or the child a chance to be what they can. Being born with disabilities is not so bad as we discover watching the puppy. He made the best and never experienced a life any different; just the fullest extent of living with what he was given and did his best having fun in doing so. Addressing the common sense of living was the easiest decision his owners made, the hardest decision would have been, going against common sense, and ended it all for him. What compassion for life as we all know it, what grace and love for our best friend and little companions in life. Too bad that others do not see the reality of living life’s we are given and seeing them, others, do what they do best, simply living! The two recent View Point letters give me insight to what people think, themselves or giving to others that they might receive back. People with common sense would go the way of giving to others so they could in return receive just as the little Boxer puppy was able to do by playing with his keepers and other dogs. What an inspiration for living, its too bad some people just do not see life at its fullest and whats all about, LIVING. To me the one letter ( Marie Zellmer) was a description, about her view points from a hurting perspective who really needed a good cry and loss to appreciate value in living life. When life is cheap, the preconceived value, is not worth much, I really worry for these people they appear to not have compassion for others. In fact they, this person, complained what others, women, experience in common. The other writer ( Heather Morris) cerebrated life and lives of her living children. What rich and filling view point on what its all about. Yes, calling names is not good, blowing out others candle of life just to make their view point seem brighter. In readability it made light, whatever might have been made, just a dimly colored shade of gray. So, get real, watch the video on YouTube and laugh at a dog which has no end of life and energy from a Boxer Puppy and no disability boundaries a normal Dog might have. After all, his, point of view is just his own and he was given a chance, by others, to have it. Watch here Don Borders About: Retired living in a one room, 12 X 18 foot shack / cabin drawing Received April 06, 2014 - Published April 10, 2014
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