Proud to be called idiots By Rob Holston April 10, 2014
You call it a ³procedure² because that is what the abortion industry has taught you. Technically it is NOT murder because it is legal. But we all know that this 'procedure' does END a life. That's the point. The mother, typically for selfish reasons, does not want her child to live. For her convenience she chooses abortion to end her One day I suggested and jested to some of my friends that we should have a public demonstration of how horrible abortions really are. We would advertise to obtain few 'day old puppies' to be donated for 'educational purposes' and then proceed to demonstrate publicly the various means abortionists use to dismember them to end their lives. One of these friends is a law enforcement official and interjected, "You can't do that. It's illegal, IT'S AGAINST THE LAW." Puppies? Babies? That's the law. Being legal does not make it right. I think the ³legal² argument is an antiquated and sophomoric stance. If you don¹t believe me just ask the Jews in Germany under Hitler, the Blacks in American under nearly a century of Jim Crow laws or the Dred Scott V Sandford Supreme Court decision which denied Blacks, free OR slave the basic rights of citizenship for decades. As far as Ketchikan being 400 miles or more away from the abortion mills in Juneau, Anchorage and Seattle, you are correct. Yet Ketchikan does loose about 30 young lives per year to abortion. The fact that you need to fly to one of these cities to end your baby's life, just adds to the blood money of the industry; Alaska Airlines, Last year the 40 Days For Life campaign in Ketchikan saved two lives. I hope some day those young men or women will be told they are alive because some stupid idiots stood on the street corner of Ketchikan with signs saying "Pray to End Abortion" and that their mother's heart and mind was changed to save the live that was within her. You or anyone else is certainly welcome to stop by and discuss this issue with us whenever you see us standing there on the street. Kindly, Rob Holston, About: Received March 30, 2014 - Published April 10, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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