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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Consequences of legalization of Marijuana

By Marvin Seibert


April 28, 2014
Monday PM

When the voters of the great state of Alaska consider legalizing marijuana for recreational use they should look to Colorado and what is happening there for guidance in their vote. Remember Colorado has had pot legal for 4 short months and look at what has taken placed.

1- Man fell to death after eating marijuana cookies
A college student visiting Denver jumped to his death from a hotel balcony after eating marijuana-infused cookies, according to a coroner's report that marks the first time authorities have publicly linked a death to marijuana since legal sales of recreational cannabis began in Colorado.
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2- Husband shoots wife dead after 'eating cannabis' in Colorado
A mother-of-three was shot dead by her husband who police believe had consumed cannabis in Colorado, the first US state where the drug can be bought legally for recreational use.
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3- High-tech vending machine sells marijuana
Buying marijuana in Colorado became a whole lot easier this past year when the state legalized the drug for recreational use. It's about to get even easier, like buying a can of soda or pack of gum.
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4- Pro-marijuana 4/20 events face backlash from legalization skeptics
This year, Denver police issued 92 citations for public marijuana consumption over the two-day festival far more than the five public-consumption tickets police issued at the one-day event in 2013
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Is this what we want for Alaska? Legalize Marijuana and we will lose many of our young people to tragic drug induced accidents, domestic violence which is already a big problem will increase exponentially, easy access to drugs to under age kids because of vending machines and if you believe a teenager won t break into these supposedly secure devices you are delusional. Last but not least do we really want drug induced rallies where everyone is openly getting stoned? Can you imagine for a minute the Artic Man event in spring with everyone stoned? There would not be enough Flight for Life helicopters to take away the injured.

So please think hard and rationally about your vote on this.

Marvin Seibert
Colorado Springs, Colorado

About: "Soon to be a resident of Beautiful Ketchikan! "

Received April 23, 2014 - Published April 28, 2014


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