Income Tax or Fair Tax?By Roy T Newsom April 09, 2015
In 2009, $800,000,000.00 in tax dollars was spent on stimulus for the economy hoping for recovery from the recession. What if a greater amount of money was available for this stimulus without spending tax dollars? If the IRS and the Income tax system were replaced with the Fair Tax, the 2.5 trillion dollars collected by the IRS during fiscal year 2013 would be left in the hands of the taxpayers of this country to stimulate the economy by spending and investing it. This is true stimulus and would not involve the graft and missmanagement that came with the 2009 waste of taxes. The first year the Fair Tax is enacted is projected bring a 10% (or more) growth in the economy. No more IRS, income or payroll taxes or April 15th deadline. All that money the IRS would have collected will be left in the hands of the people and businesses to pump up the economy without government help. Companies that have left this country will return to do business in the most prosperous nation in the world. For more info see: www.fairtax.org. Roy T Newsom
Received April 05, 2015 - Published April 09, 2015
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