Rep. Young blames "bunch of idiots" for Trump phenomenonBy A.M.Johnson April 08, 2016 Thank you Congressman Young for characterizing a high number of Alaskans, many who have in the past, I say past as Young has surely established the present with his observations of the mental state of many, supported his elections. Were Young to demonstrate a similar level of tirade on Hillary and her long list of corrupt dealings, or Sen. Sanders and his relationship to being a socialist or worst, Communist one would give some credence to Young being a Republican. That Mr.. Trump and to a degree, Sen. Cruz epitomizes the thinking of their support with Young's labeling reflects the frustration those same voters have for the infuriating lack of political awareness the Republican Establishment type have forced on the folks. Of all with Young's many years in service, who in effect told us to 'Shut Up and Sit Down' he still with this public labeling,doesn't git it. Tragic. More so that Young will not change his views with the times. Perhaps a change in Alaska's Congressional representative is due, long over due. Regards, A.M.Johnson Received March April 05, 2016 - Published April 08, 2016
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