THE FUNDAMENTAL PURPOSE OF THESE TWO LIES IS TO LEAVE ALL OF YOU GRASPING AT EACH OTHER’S THROATS JUST TO SURVIVE, WHILE A GANG OF CROOKS AND RAPISTS STEAL ALL OF YOUR REAL WEALTH. TO THE TUNE OF TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. This propaganda blitz is incredibly deceptive and dishonest, and the use of subliminal advertising techniques (which used to be illegal as hell) is incredibly sophisticated and far-reaching. “Choo-choo-choo,” a little choo-choo train comes puffing across the top of your television screen telling you, “Spend the Permanent Fund, Spend the Permanent Fund.” Pop onto any number of internet sites, or to Facebook, and it’s more of the same, “Spend the Permanent Fund. Spend the Permanent Fund.” “In three years there will be no Permanent Fund Dividend if you don’t spend the Permanent Fund now.” Choo-choo. THEY ARE DOING THEIR ABSOLUTE BEST TO BRAINWASH YOU INTO BELIEVING THEIR CRAP. It really is nuts after awhile. The other night I decide this game I have been playing is doing too good a job of kicking my butt, so I decide to pop up a guide to see if I can play it better, and even there comes streaming, “Spend the Permanent Fund. Spend the Permanent Fund, or else.” On the television we have “Really Cute and Really Stupid” chirping at us over and over again, “The oil companies are drowning in red ink. Oh, it’s so terrible, the idea that you would think about taxing them. Spend the Permanent Fund. Spend the Permanent Fund.” Then there’s old “Chief FullofCrap” droning on in a nasal monotone, “The Permanent Fund Dividend is very important to the people in the villages, so it’s very important to restructure the Permanent Fund, so the Permanent Fund Dividend program can continue.” Yes, we need to spend the Permanent Fund in order for the Permanent Fund Dividend to continue, that makes a whole hell of lot of sense doesn’t it? But Chief FullofCrap and his buddies think you all are that stupid. Since January 1, 2014, the oil companies have taken out of the ground and sold more than $30 billion of our oil. For 2014 and 2015 their net profit on this oil after the subtraction of real production costs is somewhere between $14 and $18 billion. They have paid no royalties, no severance, and no taxes to the State of Alaska during that time. THE STATE OF ALASKA HAS ACTUALLY BEEN PAYING THE OIL COMPANIES MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR TO PRODUCE. THE RETURN TO THE STATE IS ACTUALLY A NET NEGATIVE IN THE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. IN THE MEANTIME 200 SCHOOL JOBS ARE ON NOTICE IN ANCHORAGE. THE FRIDAY NIGHT NEWS DUMP OF APRIL 15 WAS 500 JOB CUTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, THE GUTTING OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THIS STATE. AN ADDITIONAL 500 STATE WORKERS IN SOUTHEAST ARE ALREADY SCHEDULED TO BE TERMINATED, OR HAVE ALREADY BEEN TERMINATED, WITH MORE TO COME. THE “COGHILL ABOMINATION” IS WELL ON ITS WAY TO DESTROYING THIS STATE. Complicit in this destruction to far too great an extent is the Alaska media which in way too many instances is just parroting the crap the oil companies and their chief goon Coghill want you to believe. THE “COGHILL ABOMINATION” OF GIVING OUR OIL AWAY FOR FREE IS WHAT IS CAUSING THIS FINANCIAL CRISIS. ONLY IN ALASKA ARE THE OIL COMPANIES INCREASING PRODUCTION, EVEN WHEN THE PRICE FALLS TO $26 A BARREL. ONLY IN ALASKA. THE PRICE OF OIL IS NOT WHAT IS CAUSING THIS FINANCIAL CRISIS. THE “COGHILL ABOMINATION” IS WHAT IS CAUSING THIS FINANCIAL CRISIS. Mary Kauffman at Sitnews, the Alaska Dispatch, and a few other media outlets have done a credible job of exposing this massive corruption and the magnitude of its terrible cost. Most of the others are an embarrassment to journalism several times over. If you are just going to sell advertising, quit wasting your time and ours re-scripting AP reports and parroting lies. In mid-March the Juneau Empire wrote an insanely insipid editorial piece entitled, “Tax Us, Please, Tax Us,” ignoring totally the reality of what is causing our problem. If you are too lazy to do the job, quit pretending. This is too serious a time to have to put up with your junk. There are three basic proposals currently being considered by this corrupt state legislative majority, all of which will blow the Permanent Fund in relatively short order. “Oil Company” Walker’s plan claws back $700 million in tax credits, continuance of the “Coghill Abomination” does not even do that, and GCI’s (Alaska’s Future) plan is kind of a variant between the other two. The best I have come up with as an analogy is the State of Alaska is being treated as a terminal cancer patient and is being offered three possible alternative treatments, all of which will lead to the same inevitable end within about an 18-month window or so, and each will involve greater or lesser degrees of pain along the way. I HOPE YOU SEE BY NOW WHY I REJECT OUT OF HAND WALKER’S PLAN, THE “COGHILL ABOMINATION,” AND GCI’s PLAN. THEY ARE ALL PLANS THAT END WITH THE PATIENT DYING!!! After all the available money is spent, of course. In Part 6, the numbers. How much is this costing? How much will it cost? How soon do we run out of money? And is there a better way? Stay tuned. As usual, send to everybody, and ask them to send it to everyone else.
Received April 17, 2016 - Published April 20, 2016
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