Boca De Qurada H2OBy A. M. Johnson April 27, 2016
In reading the recent Ketchikan Daily News article on anticipated shipping of a natural resource, water, from Boca De Quara followed by a second article focusing on the opposition to the endeavor; typically the usual case of anti-anything resource development, leap out in vocal opposition without any details of the concept, none, just a knee jerk reaction to a perceived capitalist project. It is fair to say that had this bunch of self serving environmentalist - in cahoots with like thinking governmental employees who demonstrate their usual bias, contrary to the concept of neutrality expected by a governmental agency - been in existence when Queen Isabella made the decision to support Christopher Columbus's efforts to explore, he would never made it across the Mediterranean, much less to the Atlantic ocean! A.M.Johnson Received April 24, 2016 - Published April 27, 2016
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