Europe Under AttackBy Donald Moskowitz April 29, 2016
Since WWII Europe has welcomed tens of millions of Muslims from Africa and the Middle East who replaced the murdered Jews of Europe. Germany is leading the way, allowing 1 million Muslims to enter in 2015, and plans to bring in 1 million more in 2016. This will swell its Muslim population to 5 million. France has 6 million Muslims, the UK over 3 million, and Spain over 1 million. The burgeoning Muslim populations in Europe live in urban depressed and lawless areas, which are spawning grounds for crime and terrorism. Germany recently experienced a night of terror when young Muslim men attacked German Christian women. Sweden has reported a sharp increase in rapes of Swedish Christian women by Muslim men. Great Britain, France and Belgium have suffered terrible Islamic terrorist attacks killing and wounding many people, and the Muslim influx has increased anti-Christian and anti-Jewish incidents. Studies show many young Muslims believe suicide attacks are justified, including 42% in France, 35% in Britain, 29% in Spain and 22% in Germany. Surprisingly, the U.S. young Muslims are at 26%. As Muslim populations increase due to immigration and high birth rates there will be increased attacks and calls for sharia law. The United States should reflect on the European problems and Islamic attacks in Europe and this country, and rethink our immigration policies to help bolster our security by keeping out any people who might conduct Islamic terrorist attacks. Donald Moskowitz Received April 28, 2016 - Published April 29, 2016
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