Kill The State Income TaxBy Ken Leland April 19, 2017
An income tax is a regressive tax, which penalizes improving your financial status for your family's benefit, just so that the bureaucratic system can continue to expand and grow. As was stated,the way to close the gap is to make the hard decisions on the bureaucratic system itself. There are many examples that been posted on this forum in the past,even proceeding the steady decline in the oil bonanza that we have enjoyed over the decades. What's next, we've already had a raid on our Permanent Dividend Fund by the Governor,so now that the precedent has been established will we see the Fund set up to fund further expansion of the Bureaucracy? The best example of this is our Federal Government,20 TRILLION dollars of debt, almost double what is was 8 years ago! It's way past time for the elected leaders to do what the responsible citizens of this country do, make the hard choices necessary to balance the budget by making the cuts that have minimum impact on the necessary items and cutting back on the "feel good" items. Kill The State Income Tax!!!
About: "a 41 year resident" Received April 17, 2017 - Published April 19, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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