Income TaxBy David G Hanger April 27, 2017
Why are you volunteering yourself and everyone else to pay these awful crooks for the privilege of getting filthy rich? Why should I give one dime of my money to these crooks? Why? Why? Why? If you want to finance a bunch of billionaire tax dodgers and pay for all of their expenses, then volunteer your salary and your time to do so. Give them yourself as a gift if you so desire, but don’t volunteer me. I don’t cotton to thieves in the first place, and thieves who need my money to pay for their expenses are people who should be hanged from a tree. The oil companies in this state are thieves, and the politicians they own are thieves. Dan Ortiz is a coward as are all members of his coalition and any other elected official who believes that taxing the people in any form is the appropriate thing to do before taxing the hell out of the oil companies. The notion that that is a closed door is crap. It is being kept closed by thieves and their thieving buddies who are in on the dirty deal. The proper, the appropriate thing for any honest elected official in this state to do is to immediately resign from office in protest of the fact that the oil companies are stealing us blind. Beyond Mr. Abbott's simplistic and childish ambition the fundamental fact is that as an elected official any effort on your part to impose any form of tax on the people of this state before taxing the hell out of the oil companies, no matter what level of government you occupy, makes you just another darn thief working for the oil companies to the detriment of the people of this state. That makes any and all currently elected officials in this state the most corrupt bunch of thieves that has ever sat in leather chairs. How is it reasonable in your mind, Mr. Abbott, that I should consider doing business with cowards and thieves? Why should I pay cowards and thieves to get richer at my cost, at my expense? What is the social good in that? Is this the message you intend to convey to your posterity? How is that even a choice for a free man to consider? David G Hanger
Received April 25, 2017 - Published April 27, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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