Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Ode To Joy
Judith Green
April 29, 2019
Monday PM
This past weekend, April 20, Ketchikan was invited to hear the beautiful musical sounds of Beethoven, Rutter, Chilcott and Marcello. Some of these composers may not be well known, but the sounds invoked were good to consider as we listened and learned.
What a wonderful collaboration between the Ketchikan Community Chorus/KCC, the Ketchikan Concert Band/KCB (an ensemble part of the Ketchikan Community Concert Band/KCCB), and Ketchikan Orchestra Project/KOP.
Ktn is indeed a favored community to have at the helm of these 3 musical groups the professional musical talent of Steve Kinney, Roy McPherson, and Jeff Karlson with Deidra Nuss. We hope they will consider coming together again.
Featured was oboist Kathleen Light, Executive Director of KAAHC. Accompanied by the KOP, Ms Light gave us a warm performance of an oboe concerto by Alessandro Marcello. Her professional ease with the oboe rendered us a better appreciation for this instrument. She explained before playing a little about the composer and the concerto. A true artist in our Ktn community.
We thank all 3 groups for sharing this program: GLORIA / SILVER SWAN / OBOE CONCERTO IN D MINOR / Finale to Symphony 9 ODE TO JOY - it was a delight.
A program of this magnitude could not happen without the encouraging support system of those who put in hours and man power, behind the scene - THANK YOU!
Judith Green
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: Ktn resident with appreciation for the expressions of art and beauty in our island community.
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received April 21, 2019
- Published April 29, 2019
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