Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Lisa Murkowski's Nuclear energy plan
Robert Rice
April 29, 2019
Monday PM
My god, do we need our own mini Fukishima? She said "the only alternate energy source available in Alaska is Hydro power." No wind or sun available here? Also ended by saying how good this would be for oil and mining operations. (Could this be the reason for this idea?)
I can see the temporary solution to rural energy projects, until it becomes a mini disaster. What about Earthquakes? Also we have NO current permanent solution to nuclear waste disposal. Seems an irresponsible idea.
This surprises me as Lisa has often been a reasonable Senator, in the middle of this mess in D.C.
Robert Rice
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: 40 year resident of Ketchikan. Fisherman, Ferry worker and Maritime instructor at UASE.
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received April 21, 2019
- Published April 29, 2019
Related Viewpoint:
An Opportunity For Nuclear energy in Alaska By
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
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