April 10, 2020
To hell with these completely corrupted pigs who trained their sales forces to deny there was any hazard from Covid19, who left thousands of passengers quarantined for weeks while searching for a port, who infected hundreds of passengers with Covid19, then went further and sent it home with them all over the damned world; who wasted millions of dollars of government resources cleaning up their mess. One cruise ship dumped its entire load of thousands of passengers in Freemantle, Australia, with no provision or allowance for how any of them were to get home. The bad press of this horrid bunch of clowns needs to sink with them. Fire them and send their boardrooms packing right along with them. The lawsuits on this are going to be hot and heavy; let these screws hang for that, and pay for it, too. We need a clean slate under new management. These people are an embarrassment to humanity. The money saved by not bailing these jackasses out can be used instead to bail out all the little guys, the shore operators, whose seasonal inventories are already purchased but are going nowhere. These, our neighbors, are the people who deserve our concern and consideration, not the foreign tax dodgers even willing to kill their customers to make a buck. Make it so. David G Hanger
About: Editor's Note:
Received March 27, 2020 - Published April 10, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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