Trump's Tardy Coronavirus ResponseBy Donald Moskowitz
April 10, 2020
The Trump administration down played the potential severity of the virus outbreak. This delayed the response and preparations by medical agencies and state and local governments to combat the virus. In January our intelligence agencies warned Trump of the impending coronavirus outbreak, but he ignored them. Trump said the coronavirus was a "new hoax" by the Democrats. He blamed the media for fake reporting about it. He said it was no big deal and it would quickly disappear. Trump is concerned with a depressed economy adversely impacting his reelection, and he is questioning advice from medical professionals and leading infectious disease authorities within the country. Trump finally decided to extend the coronavirus distancing guidelines to April 30, 2020, but governors and mayors should implement their own measures, including their timelines to address the coronavirus outbreak. The country has to do whatever is necessary to get the pandemic under control. These times test the resolve of humanity. Donald Moskowitz
About: Editor's Note:
Received April 01, 2020 - Published April 10, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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