AMHS & PFDBy Norma Lankerd
April 10, 2020
We have our ferry the Lituya which was built for Metlakatla and for some reason the AMHS- SOA shuts down other ferries for the winter or for an indefinite period of time. We the people of Annette Island seem to have to carry the rest of the State Ferry system. The cost is outrageous, for instance I had a friend who made same day reservations had to pay $320.00 for a 45 min. ride. And I myself purchased 4 days before Friday, I had to pay an extra $28.00. We shouldn’t be punished because of AMHS situation with the ferry system. We aren’t getting anymore or better seating on our ferry Lituya (it’s the same 45 min. ferry ride) and it only hold 17 cars but they try to cram up to 21 vehicles on our little ferry, and this is not good, in case of an emergency no one is able to get to the person in distress, because the cars are crammed together where you couldn’t open the car door. Please try and help rectify our situation. Thank you for your help in advance. PFD I want to put this to the people of the STATE OF ALASKA, so I’m very concerned on the Alaska Legislature deciding the fate of the Alaska Perm fund. What I want is put it on a poll to the Alaskan Residents. The Alaska Legislature wants to give each Alaskan resident $500.00 dividend and then they can do with what they want. I read in a newspaper and heard it on the Alaskan channel on the last 3-4 years or was it just the past year where PFD has made 2.6 billion dollars and what happened to the last 4 years? I knew the PFD has been climbing in earnings each year and our dividend has been declining. QUIT SPENDING the money on yourselves and traveling around. The Alaskan Legislature a few years ago, pondered around on giving each Alaskan Resident $25 ,000 and then forego giving anything to them for 10 years. Should have put that on a voting ballot and see what the Alaskan Residents wanted. Time to start working for the Alaskan Residents and not yourselves. Sincerely, Norma Lankerd
About: Editor's Note:
Received March 29, 2020 - Published April 10, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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