Legislature Gives Your Dividend to Oil ProducersBy Ray Metcalfe
April 10, 2020
A $26.00 per barrel profit equates a 118% return on their $21.92 investment. BP's stated international average rate of return is 19%, which calculates to a normal return of $4.16 per barrel. In other words, your Legislature gave what should have been your dividend to BP, Conoco, and Exxon's shareholders. They buy bigger yachts and you get screwed. Had the Legislature taxed them an additional $14 per barrel, cutting their profits to $12 per barrel Alaska's income would have increased by about $2.5 billion. Full dividends could have been paid without cuts to the university or the ferry system. BP, Conoco, and Exxon's remaining $12 per barrel profit would still make Alaska their highest profit source on earth. Do you think maybe it's time to get out the pitchforks? Ray Metcalfe
About: Ray Metcalfe is a politician and political activist in Alaska. Metcalfe has served in the Alaska House of Representatives as a Republican, and later ran unsuccessfully for the United States Senate as a Democrat. Editor's Note:
Received March 23, 2020 - Published April 10, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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