22nd AmendmentBy Willaim Heino Sr
April 21, 2022
Ex-president Donald Trump was elected in 2020 for a 4-year term and defeated for a second term. He may be a candidate in 2024. Donald Trump his 8 years being, 4 years as President, an unproductive 4 years wishings he was President, finally, his foreseeable "consecutive" 8-year term pretending. As with all presidents, the physical and mental health of this ex-presidents unproductive 4 years only have added to a lessening in any person's physical overall ability. We have learned as we age both health and thoughts with outdated ideas do not get better 8 years later. President Biden may agree. If a president was unpopular failing a second term the people have spoken. Any presidency fuming with a poisoned ideology, rehashing of old thoughts, enemies, failing health, negates any progress with a new purpose for the American people. A good presidential candidate will appeal for not just 4 years but a productive second consecutive presidential term. As to younger candidates running for president, being resourceful and energetic as he or she may be, if elected they will accomplish their view of America in 8 consecutive years. If un-elected for a second term, for them perhaps it wasn't meant to be. With my proposed 22nd Amendment amended 8-year consecutive rule" unfortunately their message and time have passed them by. I can find no information on any presidency with a pause for a second term as being suggested. The world is changing and we must change with it. Another way of assuring our Democracy. A common-sense approach considering recent worldwide events. The presidency is too important to ignore. Willaim Heino Sr.
About: Editor's Note:
Received April 18, 2022 - Published April 21, 2022 Related Viewpoint:
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