Earth Is In TroubleBy Donald Moskowitz
April 26, 2023
The Greenland ice sheet is melting at an accelerating rate due to the increase in global temperatures caused by Carbon emissions blanketing the atmosphere, and due to deforestation. The average temperature in the world is increasing by 3.2 degrees centigrade compared to the goal of 1.5 degrees centigrade to sustain a livable planet. From 2011 to 2020 3.5 trillion tons of the Greenland ice sheet has melted, and at that pace sea levels could rise by one to two feet by the end of the century. This would inundate many coastal cities. On the other end of the planet the Antarctic ice shield is also experiencing rapid melting, which is also contributing to the rise in sea levels. The world, and especially industrialized countries like the U.S. and China, have to increase the use of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles to reduce Carbon emissions. Deforestation is a major problem in some countries, especially the clearing of the Amazon Raiin Forest. As land is cleared and Carbon absorbing forests are cut down to make room for farming, more Carbon is emitted into the atmosphere. Also, homeowners over the world who remove trees from their properties are increasing Carbon emissions to the atmosphere. Extreme weather caused by climate change has increased drought conditions in the world, including the western United States. This has put a severe strain on the water supply in general and has adversely impacted crop yields and the world food supply. The decreased crop production has increased global hunger and it is putting upward pressure on world food prices. We have to urgently address climate change. Our Earth is in trouble. Donald Moskowitz Editor's Note:
Received April 20, 2023- Published April 26, 2023 Related Viewpoint:
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