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Memorial Day Message
by Ronald F. Conley


May 24, 2003

Since Sept. 11, 2001, our lives have been inexorably changed forever. Once again, we are a nation at war. Once again, we grieve collectively for 230 of our finest men and women who forfeited all of their tomorrows so that we continue to live in freedom today. They died in service to their country in our latest war on terrorism. Some were killed in the attack on the Pentagon, others died half way around the world in Afghanistan, Iraq and other lonely hotspots.

This weekend, we honor their memory along with over a million of their comrades who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country in wars our nation was forced to fight to maintain liberty for over two hundred years.

As we enjoy the long weekend, time with our families and super sales that abound in malls everywhere, I ask that you attend a Memorial Day ceremony in your community for our fallen veterans.

Bring your children. Tell them about the price of freedom. Help them understand the quiet courage, honor and commitment of the veteran now lying in peace under a simple stone marker. Let them begin to know, at least a little, of America's true heroes.

This Memorial Day, as many of our sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, grandchildren and cousins wage war against those who seek to destroy our nation, let us remember the honorable nature of military service. We must never forget the blood that far too many of them have shed to keep our country the bastion of freedom.

Let us thank God almighty that such fine men and women lived in America.

Ronald F. Conley
National Commander of the American Legion



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