Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Collaborate for a win-win solution
by Cecelia Johnson


May 26, 2004

I appreciate tribal members' replies to the KIC controversy. We have some sharp individuals amongst us and that is reassuring. Yes, there is too much bickering and not enough leadership. As a leader it's important to stay from criticizing young upcoming leaders and show them how to resolve differences. The unrest that the "four block voters" are showing are symptoms of a problem that can be talked out at the table. List the obstacles blocking progress and work on them. Stay away from "I'm right and you're wrong" instead collaborate for a win-win solution. I have heard both sides and can validate that there are concerns that need to be addressed.

There is a petition going around that I would rather not sign as I believe in the IRA Council President. I know this can be resolved. Go to the table. Show the membership that you do have a vision of being successful. Communicate and come to an agreement or a compromise that will satisfy all council members.

Cecelia Johnson
Ketchikan, AK - USA




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Ketchikan, Alaska