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Re: Another Solution For The School Housing Crisis
by Brandi Conway


May 28, 2004

I would like to thank Bobbie McCreary for her wonderful and logical idea.

What I want to know is why the school board feels it's okay to disrupt the learning of other students to accommodate another school? My son is really upset at the thought of another school replacing his. He loves the location and is familiar with it. I know putting white cliff at Ketchikan Charter School and Tongass School of Arts and Science would affect a lot of students, and would not be fair to them. For starters Ketchikan Charter School has been shuffled around enough and should stay right where it is.

I would like to know why it has taken the school district so long to finally make a decision on White Cliff School? Hasn't the school board been well aware of the problems with the building? If I remember correctly it's been about 5 years or more. I also have heard rumors that the school district received money for a new White Cliff school back in the 90's. If this rumor is true, what happened to the money for the new school if a new White Cliff school was not built?

I would also like to mention how I am totally against shutting down or moving Revilla High School. I happen to know first hand what a great school Revilla High School is. I graduated from Revilla High school in 1993. I dropped out of K-High with two failing grades so when I got to Revilla I had to make them up and that I did.

I know that the school board has its work cut out for them trying to make the right decision. I just hope that they do make the right choice.

Brandi Conway
Ketchikan, AK - USA


Related Viewpoint:

Another Solution For The School Housing Crisis by Bobbie McCreary - Ketchikan



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Ketchikan, Alaska