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Multi agency training response exercise
Exercise included procedures for security of a cruise vessel


May 11, 2005

Ketchikan, Alaska - A Coast Guard 25-foot boat crew prepares to board the cruise ship Sun Princess off the coast of Ketchikan during a multi agency training response exercise held here May 9 through today.

jpg boarding of Sun Princess...

USCG crew prepares to board the cruise ship Sun Princess off the coast of Ketchikan....
Photo courtesy Ketchikan Fire Department

Exercise participants included Coast Guard Air Station Sitka, Coast Guard Station Ketchikan, Coast Guard Marine Safety Office Juneau, Coast Guard Marine Safety Detachment Ketchikan, Coast Guard Maritime Safety and Security Team 91111, Princess Cruise Lines, Cruise Line Agencies of Alaska, International Council for Cruise Lines, Ketchikan fire and police departments, Coast Guard Pacific Strike Team and the Alaska National Guard's 103rd Civil Support Team.
The exercise included procedures for security of a cruise vessel, testing of communications between various responding agencies, and increased local responder knowledge and awareness of cruise vessel capabilities and procedures for handling certain hazardous events.


Source of News:

United States Coast Guard
Web Site



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Ketchikan, Alaska