![]() By Lysa Maher May 19 2006
Poison Pill?! The Irony of these, and many more statements, is only matched by the arrogance of this Governor's Administration. When Bill Walker said on Tuesday that he was outraged, my family, friends and I echoed his statement. There are Representatives on both sides of the aisle that are doing their earnest best, to fight for the people of Alaska. They have my Family's gratitude, our respect and sympathy. Negotiating the gas line contract has them swimming against a rip tide, while the Administration tries to bind and blindfold them. Thank Goodness that there are those who are apt at honest evaluation! God help those that are climbing aboard the railroad to ruin express. Eric Croft, stated it clearly when he said, " Stand up, or Roll over!" and "Tell the Truth, Trust the People!" We are all fortunate to have him fighting for us. Johnny Ellis is also a Rep. of the People. Here's hoping House and Senate take his advice, and ask themselves, if any of this passes The Hammond Test. Thanks Hollis French, for bringing a matter to the court, that defies legal logic. Thank You Nancy Dahlstrom for keeping your promises. Ralph Seekins and Con Bunde have earned our gratitude for saving the day in the 17th hour. I shudder to think how close we came to being totally 'Gamed'! Imagine how much good our elected could do in an environment that values working for the greater good, and not greed. Tom Irwin and his equally courageous staff could possibly come back to where they are needed most. May I also point out Gov Murkowski's blatant distain for lawyers, expressed repeatedly on a recent radio debate. There are many of us that are guilty of a lawyer joke or two, but the tone of the Governor's voice denoted more. A disregard for law, and accountability, maybe? I believe that Sarah Palin is the Party's brightest Hope, Godsend, and Salvation. The very best course for Alaska's People, and vast resources is her motivation for seeking office. I urge all my fellow Registered Undeclareds, and any fence sitters, to get informed on. palinforgovenor.com. She is totally approachable, if you want to voice concerns. If you support her, then be sure to be registered to vote in the Aug. 22 R Primary! We all know that Alaska is a red state, so use your vote wisely; she is as elect-able as she is honest. She has proven herself to be the picture of Integrity, raised the bar, even. If she had wanted to be rich and famous, she could have taken her Degree in Journalism and headed for the big city. Let us all vote together, old, young, rural, city, red, blue, green, pink and purple to send a clear united message that enough is enough! Sarah supports a FAIR comparison of ALL the Gas line project proposals that SHOULD be on the table, as did Former Governors Hickel and Hammond. Jimi Hendrix is quoted as saying. Knowledge speaks and Wisdom listens. To paraphrase something Sarah said at the recent All Alaskan's Rally, "When you speak your mind and show your spine, you give others the backbone to speak and defend their beliefs as well." Speak! Hopefully, they will listen. Lysa Maher
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