SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Danika Fornear


May 16, 2007
Wednesday PM

You may already know that Our Eagle Center, located right here in Ketchikan, is home to twelve permanently disabled birds for you to come meet at anytime! Among our fine feathered friends are three bald eagles, a golden eagle, several hawks, falcons, and owls. These birds serve as ambassadors for their wild cousins in our public education programs and it is our hope to teach both residents and visitors more about Southeast Alaska and the amazing wildlife that lives here. The staff at the Eagle Center is extremely passionate about providing conservation education to our community and its visitors through giving live bird shows to our tours and schools while also rescuing, caring for, and rehabilitating any injured, sick, or orphaned wild birds found throughout Southeast Alaska. NOt only do we provide live bird shows here - we can also come to you!

BUT- Did you know you can have a party at The Deer Mountain Tribal Hatchery & Eagle Center? Recently we have had some really unique birthdays at our facility. These Hatchday Parties as we call them (birthday parties) at the Deer Mountain Tribal Hatchery & Eagle Center have been really fun and exciting. The kids participated in activities such as: a Feeding Frenzy at our outdoor bald eagle exhibit where the guest of honor got a chance to feed two of our Bald Eagles, a complete Hatchery Tour where the guests learned a little bit about how the hatchery works and even feed the baby salmon and trout, and a Live Bird Show where the up to 5 different live Alaskan birds-of-prey are brought out by a skilled Bird Handler for all the guests to watch and learn about, and all guests got a chance to take a picture with Sage the golden eagle, and then the fun really started with games for everyone to play throught the hatchery and in the park, and even music & dancing in our theater turned ballroom! Our party fun lasted for hours and hours...

Jealous? Want to have you party here, too? Well, if you think you might like to have a party at the Eagle Center for any event just give me a call at (907) 228 - 5533 and we can set it all up for you. or feel free to check out our link on the KIC website to learn more about us.

Danika Fornear, Deer Mtn Tribal Eagle Center Curator
Ketchikan, AK

Received May 16, 2007 - Published May 16, 2007

About: I have always had a passion for teaching people about wildlife and nature. I have spent most of my life, starting from the age of 8, (I'm now 28) working with many different species of wild and exotic animals. I also attended the U of M studying LIfe Sciences, and while in school worked as a head vet tech, wildlife rehabilitator, and environmental educator at several Wildlife Centers and veterinary hospitals. At age 25, I was asked to plan and open a children's zoo in S.W. Florida, as Executive Director (the Shell Factory Nature Park and Botanical Trail). I moved to Ketchikan last year to learn more about the unique natural systems in S.E. Alaska. Working at the Deer Mountain Tribal Eagle Center as the Bird Curator for the past year has been extremely fun and rewarding.



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska