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Fair Credit Due to Republican Generals
By Nick Kelly


May 16, 2007
Wednesday PM

It's a shame that some Republican pundits are so blinkered that they can't give fair credit to Republican Generals who are now speaking out against the poor leadership of the Bush administration in Iraq. For your readers' information, in "Going Wobbly" (May 15), Michael Reagan failed to mention that General Eaton built the Iraqi Security Forces from 2003-2004, and General Batiste commanded 22,000 combat troops in Iraq from 2004-2005. Like General Petraeus, they've been on the ground in Iraq, and they are all too aware that the administration has not given them everything they needed to succeed.

Nick Kelly
Boulder, CO

Received May 15, 2007 - Published May 16, 2007

About: "Veteran"

Related Viewpoint:

letter Going Wobbly - Maggie Thatcher had a great line about politicians who lose their nerve when faced with a big problem: she warned them against going wobbly. - More...
Tuesday AM - May 15, 2007



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