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Citizens for Ketchikan's Future
By Janet Engle


May 22, 2007

Thank you so much for starting this group.... I don't know anyone who hasn't complained about all the jewelry and trinket stores.... good to see someone doing something about it. I will definitely sign that petition. A friend of mine had a great idea - to put up a flag - or some type of symbol - in front of each business/store that is locally owned; that way people who choose to shop with the locals will know where they are - including the locals who live here. Believe me, when we have guests in Ketchikan we refer them only to the stores that we know are local but we may be missing some of them. Again, thanks for caring enough to do something about the problem.

Janet Engle
Ketchikan, AK

Received May 19, 2007 - Published May 22, 2007

About: Lifelong resident



Citizens' group asks, "What fate do we choose for our community?" - Citizens for Ketchikan's Future (CKF), a newly formed citizens' group, has submitted a voters' initiative to the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Clerk's office to limit the density of stores exclusively selling jewelry within the City of Ketchikan. Upon approval by the Borough Clerk, the group will collect the required signatures of the 533 registered voters necessary to have the item placed on the regular October ballot. - More...
Friday - May 18, 2007




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Ketchikan, Alaska