SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Airline Travel Costs
By Jerilyn Lester


May 04, 2009

I have to agree with Chas Edwardson on this one, if Alaska Airlines thought in terms of volume instead of gouging each individual that crossed the Narrows it would be better all around.

But you see Alaska Airlines gives the incentives that are supposed to come to Ketchikan, Petersburg and Wrangell to the folks in Juneau who, by the way, already fly because they don't want to take the ferry to Haines and drive to Anchorage and points north. Those politicians and such in Juneau who keep voting to abolish the ferry system because they don't see a need are the ones that get the discounts that the government gives to the airline supposedly to give to us to help defray the costs of having only one airline to service us. That is another complaint but that will be addressed in another letter another day. I was looking on the Alaska Air site today after receiving an email about discounts and low and behold the only discounts were from Anchorage. Not anywhere in Southeast much less Southern Southeast Alaska. Go figure!!

I myself will take the ferry down and just plan to have the extra days on my trips. I won't use Alaska Air unless absolutely forced to do so and haven't in several years.

Jerilyn Lester
Ketchikan, AK


Received May 01, 2008 - Published May 04, 2009


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Ketchikan, Alaska