SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Land fill
By Robert McRoberts


May 11, 2010
Tuesday PM

Recently there has been talk about letting S&S Construction dump waste in a borough land fill. Here's the deal guys, by doing this you tell many of us local contractors to bend over. If you're going to open up this area so it can be filled I think you had better take waste fill from every one of us. Make us get a key at the time we dump and lock up when done. We would be responsible for what we dump.

I am all way having problems finding waste sites thus limiting my ability to do work on the north end - and the south end for that matter. To properly do drain field repairs we are lacking a place to dump waste materials. Nobody likes that dumped in their yard and yet it's done regularly because we have no were to dump it.

When making a deal this out of town company should have had their waste sites set up when they bid the
job. They low-balled every one else and have very few locals working on their jobs. So don't do it unless you're sure you want to tell the locals we don't matter. You have to live with us and they will be gone.

We drink in your bars, you pick up our trash, work on our taxes and so on. So don't do something so stupid. I remember you telling me we're open for business. That's fine if you're not trashing the locals for out of towners.

Robert McRoberts
Ketchikan AK


About: "Trying to stay in business in this community for 14 years now."

Received May 06, 2010 - Published May 11, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska