By A.M. Johnson
May 16, 2011
The article regarding the "Roadless Rule" issued in the Ketchikan Daily News 5/12/11 reflects the egregious wrong of Federal over reach. In my opinion, this rule and many other Federal edicts are Unconstitutional. As prisoners within our own State, we have become numb to the continued encroachment of environmental activity in lockstep with the Federal government. In this recent supplication, the joint forces of the environmental movement in partnership,with our Federal Government have seen fit to graciously consider, not guarantee, that various community projects affected by the aforementioned over reach would be reviewed. Bull Feathers! What needs to happen is the State of Alaska rise in opposition. Declare the "Compact with Alaska " the memorandum drawn by Alaska then a territory, for entry into Statehood, null and void. That memorandum, once accepted by Congress, was and has been prostituted by the Federal Government to the extent that what we see today, amounts to Alaska being nothing more than a slave state. Alaska (and every State) should join in a mass effort to have the Constitution of the United States once again become the guiding document it once was. The States have the supreme powers under the founders intent. Over the years the progressive left and complacent Right, has excerpted the power of the States into a central controlled government that now has our Nation constricted into what is approaching socialist dependency. The Roadless Rule is an example of this central control. Every project presented being affected by this socialist rule should be subject to control and oversight by the State of Alaska as to both funding and construction. All the projects would be in the forest of Alaska, not under current Federal Government confiscation. What I am addressing is the need for States Rights as the Constitution calls in restricting the power of the Federal Government. Alaska (Every State) should be in control of ALL their respective resources from the highest mountain to the border of International water limits. Alaska (Every State) should dictate to the Federal Government what and where Federal involvement within the respective States the Federal government may be welcome beyond that called for in the Constitution. Alaska has a forestry department. Alaska has the legislative intelligence, knowledge, ability to manage ALL the forested lands within our State boundaries. There is NO NEED or REQUIREMENT for Federal oversight of our forest/natural resources. The current situation regarding our National budget deficit is prime time to address this issue. The Federal Government is broke. The Federal Government cannot continue running at the deficit pace it is. Disposal of Federal holdings is coming serious conversation. Why not include and fast pace, the return to each and every State ALL the lands and void all edicts associated affecting them, held in Federal control? The effect would be outstanding, elimination of the Department of Agriculture, which houses the U.S. Forest Service. Management of the Alaska Forests reverts to the State of Alaska with Alaska legislative oversight. Current Radical Environmental groups would be eliminated from daily involvement as associates and partners of the Federal Government. Environmental concerns then would have to present their socialist environmental case to the elected legislature who's members would face the local voters,not the current situation where Radical Environmental groups lobby legislators from far distant locations who can vote against Alaska with a throw away vote. Local State control would have a positive result as the economics of owning and controlling ALL of our resources above and below ground. All of the Bull Feathers in the article would be null and void. All the projects would be on track to be accomplished. If you agree, then push Governor Parnell to join with the several other Western States in pursuing States Rights through Congressional action, or better yet, nullification as prescribed in the Constitution as a action to overturn Federal edicts that are contrary to that Document's intent. What is required is a legislative revolution by the States. Now is the time. A majority of the States, which require balanced budgets, are in position to face down the Federal Government through budget deficit reduction by reducing ill gotten Federal power over the States. Regards, A.M.Johnson About: "Concerned longtime Alaska Senior Citizen for our coming generation's ability to live proper lives." Received May 13, 2011 - Published May 16, 2011
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