By Byron Whitesides
May 31, 2011
I know I’m not the only Alaskan who contacts you and I know you know that the MAJORITY of Alaskans support enforcing our laws and are against the employment of illegal migrants. I can only speculate that YOU are personally profiting in campaign donations from the companies against using E-Verify, who are profiting from the continued employment of illegals. YOU need to publish your position on this matter publically, I suggest Sitnews, and inform your constituents know WHY you are against businesses using the best tool we now have to see that no illegals are employed, E-Verify. We want to know why you don’t think this issue is important enough, and why you think it is OK with your constituents that businesses in Alaska be allowed to break our laws by hiring illegal migrants, many who are using false social security numbers, and identity theft to gain such employment. Why aren’t you representing Alaskans and Americans out of work by insisting our Alaskan businesses comply with our laws and employ only legal workers here in Alaska. I am among the citizens of Alaska and America that believe companies that are repeat offenders should lose the right to do business in this state. It is time for you to take a stance, you are either representing Alaska, Alaskans, Americans and our laws or not. WHAT IS YOUR POSITION? Funny thing, the arguments used by companies that continue to break these laws and argue they “need cheap labor” to survive, this is the same argument used to support SLAVERY. If you support this position, please take a stance and inform your fellow Alaskans you think that many businesses here, harvesting Alaskan resources, just can’t afford to pay a living wage to the residents of the state of Alaska who own these natural resources, and must be allowed to break our laws by illegally employing illegal foreigners so they can bypass Alaskan and American workers and subvert OUR standard of living and also SAFE WORKING PRACTICES, as illegals can’t complain to OSHA. Americans and Alaskans have had enough of our elected representation turning a blind eye to the illegal migration problem. We have twenty million Americans unemployed or underemployed and our federal government is now borrowing over forty cents of EVERY dollar they spend. We can’t afford to not only have our Americans unemployed, but then being forced to pay the costs of this illegal migration estimated to be at least $113 billion to $300 billion per year. It is rubbing salt in the wounds of Americans to have them out of work or not able to get a decent job, then having their taxes taken and given to foreigners illegally in our country! You know that a majority of Americans and Alaskans support the use of E-Verify, and also support repeat offending businesses losing their right to do business if they will not follow our laws and hire only LEGAL workers. WHY WON’T YOU DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THE AMERICAN WORKERS AND INSIST COMPANIES DOING BUSINESS IN ALASKA FOLLOW OUR LAWS? Byron Whitesides
About: "Lifelong Alaska resident born & raised who believes in taking care of Alaskans and Americans FIRST." Received May 31, 2011 - Published May 31, 2011 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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