By Bill Ayers
May 09, 2012
I am led, by the author himself, to believe that he is a hate-prolificating bigot, who is not part of a solution, but merely a propagator of the negative against any people who may think slightly different than he. I also believe that although there is freedom of the press (guaranteed by our bill of rights, yet being picked apart by the standing government), sometimes the very 'press' itself causes conflict which causes hate and discontent, for no other reason than to cause 'hate & discontent'. But to come back to the original question as posed by the former letter-writer,, : Sir, you posed no question. You made no point. You merely posted incomplete statements followed by "the gop does". I feel this is "hate-talk" because you could easily substitute ANY other racial group for "gop" in your statements. You claim to be a former teacher. What the hell have you been teaching our children?!? Bill Ayers About: "Grew up in K-town, around many different opinions and influences. Many influential people in my life always lived the life they were preaching. Yet others preached the life they only wished they lived. No matter where I've been, or where I am, I always try to keep my own values in perspective." Received May 08, 2012 - Published May 09, 2012 Related Viewpoint:
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