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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

KTB Spring Gala Saturday Matinee
By Debbie Azure


May 18, 2012

All of our extended family dropped everything on Saturday afternoon to attend our little ballerina's Spring Performance. We all dressed up, even uncles, bought flowers and watched all the darling kids dance on the big stage. The music was bright and fun, the costumes were cute or beautiful, depending on the age of the dancer and the performances were all we could hope for. I would recommend this fun afternoon to anyone looking for something fun to do.

The only downside for myself and my co-grandmother who had travelled from Arizona to see the show came at the very end. As the awards were being passed out to each class and each dancer's name was called, we got excited for our granddaughter's class. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, Ballet/Monday never got their names called. All the kids before and after got to hear their names called but this class didn't. As silly as it may seem, kids and parents (grandmas even more so) want to hear the kid's names called over the mike. I'm sure it wasn't intentional to snub this class but please be more intentional to include everyone next time.

You never want to upset the Grandmas!

Debbie Azure
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Grandma of ballet / Monday ballerina."

Received May 14, 2012 - Published May 18, 2012


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska