By Jim Guenther
May 18, 2012
No matter where you stand, Pro-life or Pro-choice, you should understand that less than three percent of the health services provided by Planned Parenthood go to abortion related costs. The Guttmacher Institute, an international organization dedicated to improving women’s health issues, keep track of legislation which effect women. They do good work in many African countries and other third world nations. They do have ties to Planned Parenthood in America so, admittedly, cannot be considered apolitical. But they make a good argument, backed by much research and statistical data, that these policies will ultimately harm America. Once again the GOP adopts a double standard here. How can they argue so forcefully against The Healthcare Reform Act for allowing the government to increase access to health care for many Americans, and yet argue so vehemently for that 916 number, the number of bills put forth by Republicans to intimately involve the government in limiting the personal health care choices of American women? I can only describe it as Romneyan Logic. Jim Guenther About: "A proud educator who taught 25 years in Alaska and believes that healthy debates strengthen America. " Received May , 2012 - Published May 18, 2012 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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