Open Letter: Eliminate the IRS By A. M. Johnson May 20, 2013
Now is the opportune time to eliminate the Internal Revenue Service. A service that was created by Congress, oversighted by the President and corrupted many times by both parties by many many members of Congress, and lobbies who have had rules bent and made illegal in so very many incidents. Always at the expense of the common man. The exposure of the current scandal is more damming as those of the Nixon and Clinton terms. Individual Americans and Constitutional faithful are now front and center subject of political terrorism in the definition: ""A system of government that uses terror to rule" and "To coerce by intimidation or fear" If the three of you do not recognize this result of this IRS scandal, and the other scandals being exposed with those yet to come under this administration, you need to seek help. Any attempt by Congress or the President to tamp down the IRS scandal alone, by administrative efforts will only result in ten years down the road repeating itself. Governmental power always expands and public participation is further restricted. Having said this and not boring you with historic detail, de-fund this IRS department and bring it to a close with either a flat tax or fair tax, I'd welcome a open congressional debate on either,with the end result being a dedicated effort by the Alaska Delegation to champion the eliminating this IRS department as we know it. Congress, including you each, are not smart enough to clean up this disaster without adding more confusion. You are too close to lobbyist, and special interest, how else do you explain the high number of congressional members and senior staff seemingly become wealthy while serving or soon after? Better to just shot the horse with a broken leg than continue on with the corruption and cronyism. I know these two sentences can be construed as oxymoron. Surprise me!! Yes, I request a response in a clear simple format from each of you that will be submitted to Sitnews by myself, or if you individually chose to submit to Sitnews, to whom I am submitting this request. Yes, I am one of a growing number who has lost ALL trust in our government and shutter at the obvious lack of honesty with elected officials to face up to the obvious scandals this administration is involved with,(and reflected in both parties of past terms) remaining in the main, quite, not committing, comfortable in being inside the beltway, secure, you dream, from those of us eating cake!! Regards, A.M. Johnson
About: "Mother taught me: "If you tell a lie, you have to remember everthing". This bunch can't remember anything!!" Received May 20, 2013 - Published May 20, 2013 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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