Thank You Ketchikan By Peggy Pollen May 28, 2013 Dear People of Ketchikan, You have an amazing group of citizens in your community. They are called Rotarians. As Rotary District 5010 Governor of Alaska/Yukon, it was my honor and privilege to choose Ketchikan for the annual Rotary District Conference and Assembly, held earlier this month. Our conference was a massive success due to the tireless efforts of these Rotarians and the sponsorships of Ketchikan businesses. Not only did we have around 200 people from the District registered, our Youth Exchange students were also in attendance. This group of young people, from around the world, regularly perform a service project during the conference and this year the students visited the Pioneer Home and spent the day entertaining and getting to know your seniors. To make the international portion of our event complete, the Rotarians in your community housed our Group Study Exchange (GSE) team from Brazil. This is a group of four non-Rotarians and a Rotarian leader. They traveled all around the district for one month visiting clubs and job shadowing people in their professions. Our GSE team is currently in Brazil being hosted by their Rotarians. Our Presidents Representative, John Germ, from Tennessee and his wife Judy came early to the conference and were hosted by Lois Munch and Rosie Roppel for a little tourist time. The skies cleared and they were able to see Ketchikan in all its magnificent glory. I have received word from them that it was one of the best conferences they have ever attended. The conference committee also brought back one of Ketchikan’s own. Bill Holman was the first District Governor of the newly established District 5010 in 1991-1992. Before then we were part of a District that included Seattle Washington. The conference was last held in Ketchikan during his term. Over the last 20 years our District was heavily involved in bringing Rotary to Russia and our District encompassed, Yukon, Alaska and Russia east of the Ural Mountains (11 time zones). This past year Russia became its own District and I have the honor of being the first District Governor since the division. Bill hosted a wonderful reception for all the Past District Governors in attendance. I could go on with this thank you for pages, but I would like to recognize the following, and would ask that when you see them thank them for representing Ketchikan so well to rest of Alaska and the Yukon. With my everlasting gratitude, Rotary District 5010
Received May 28, 2013 - Published May 28, 2013
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