IRS Employees Treated Differently By James R. Donnell May 07, 2014
Why are IRS employees treated differently? It seems the all too familiar reason is that they work for the government and the government treats "their own" differently. If you are ever audited by the IRS - you are guilty until proven innocent and often the best course of action is to simply roll over and pay whatever they ask. That's state sponsored extortion. It doesn't matter if you are right or not - it will cost you more in time and money to try to prove you are right. With a tax code approaching 80,000 pages that's pretty much impossible. It is time to eliminate the IRS and the oppressive income tax and switch to something that is simple, fair and visible. Something that is easy to administer, easy to comply with and difficult to cheat. That solution is the FairTax. A national retail sales tax with no tax on the basic necessities of life. No IRS, no income tax and millions of new jobs. HR 25 Fair Tax Review - You can learn more at www.hr25taxreview.com James R. Donnell
Received April 26, 2014 - Published May 07, 2014 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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