SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Herring Cove Speed Limit

By Marlene Steiner


May 07, 2014
Wednesday PM

I was raised and have property in Herring Cove... I would like to know WHY the State of Alaska DOT has to put in their 2 cents on the speed limit from the Hole-in-Wall out to Herring from the speed limit of 45 down to 35 and when you get to Wood Road it goes down to 25. I have never seen it that low. There is no where out of town that the speed limit is 25. I really don't care about these tourist that comes out and disrupt our peaceful area for 6 months for the bears and humpies that comes of the creek. Of all of my years living out there I consider this my home not a tourist trap that comes and goes. Let these bears and humpies live and eat in peace.

The State of Alaska DOT should keep their noses elsewhere not reducing the speed where it has been 45 since 1960 after the bridge was built.

State of Alaska DOT put the speed limit back.

Marlene Steiner
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "I was raised in Herring Cove.."

Received May 04, 2014 - Published May 07, 2014



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska