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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Kayhi Sports Schedules

By Burt Hooton


May 17, 2014

How extremely disappointing it is to see that there are three varsity sports HOME games being played at the same time Friday night. What a terrible situation for the fans, parents and players of these games.

Why aren't these games on different days? Or at least at different times?

All of these kids/teams put a lot of effort into practicing. Don't they deserve to get a full audience? Today Kayhi sports fans and supporters have to pick one out of three games to go to. We have to pick one team to support. Do I go to the varsity baseball game? Do I go to the varsity softball game? Do I go to the varsity soccer game? I want to support my school, I want to go to all three! Those kids deserve an audience.
I understand that creating schedules involve many factors, a lot which involves the availability of other schools. But we aren't talking about eight different sports. It's three. Shouldn't be that hard to figure out. I don't see this happen in the fall/winter sports. You don't see one Kayhi basketball team playing at Kayhi and the other playing a game at the Rec Center at the same time, on the same day. And this isn't the first time it's happened. We'll have a weekend with NO high school sports, and then the next weekend will have two different sports play at home.

I think it is very disrespectful to the athletes who want to perform for their friends, family, school mates and town. Having three different games at the same time cuts down their potential audience by 67%.

Fix that situation and then we can talk about the crazy varsity baseball schedule. Conference opponents Sitka and Thunder Mt don't come to Ketchikan for two year stretches? Can you imagine that happening in basketball? Kayhi is going to be the "visiting" team one game this weekend against Juneau. Even though the game is being played on Norman Walker Field. Let all that sink in for a moment. Kayhi will be the visiting team on their own home field, while Juneau will be the home team. Figure that out and tell me how it makes sense.

Thank you for reading,

Burt Hooton
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Lifetime Kayhi Sports Fan"

Received May 16, 2014 - Published May 17, 2014



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Ketchikan, Alaska