Russia Invades White HouseBy Donald Moskowitz May 11, 2017
Chief White House Advisor Bannon has stated in the past he is an admirer of Lenin, the founder of Russian Communism. Former FBI Director Comey was ostensibly fired on May 9, 2017 because of poor performance, but this occurred when Comey was heading up the investigation into Trump's campaign staff possibly colluding with Russian officials to impact the 2016 Presidential election. Will Trump appoint a Russian sympathizer as the next FBI director? On May 10, 2017 Trump met with two high level Russian officials at the White House, and barred the U.S. media from attending the meeting. However, the meeting was covered by TASS, the state-run media of Russia. It appears the Russian invasion of the White House produced a liar and dictator as the leader of our country. Donald Moskowitz
Received May 11, 2017 - Published May 11, 2017
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